• Upcoming / On Going Events

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    2024 BLIA World Headquarters 6th Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors

    Date and Place: September 06-09 at Fo Guang Shan Monastery, Japan.

    Opening Ceremony, including handover of chapter presidents, certification of Chapter Elder Advisors, certification of newly-established Chapter Elder Advisor Committees; Three Acts of Goodness Microfilm Award Ceremony; Motion Discussion; Night of Buddha’s Light; Closing Ceremony, etc.
    Date: Registration begins on December 21, 2023, with a limit of 1,000 people (excluding BLIA Japan chapters.)

    Method: Online at https://signup.blia.org.tw/login.aspx


    For details information, please contact the BLIAWA Secretarial Office.

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    BLIA 2024 Beauty of Buddha’s Light–Being Touched is the Most Beautiful World Photo Contest

    Registration Time: January 1 to May 31, 2024

    In response to BLIA General Conference theme, “Wisdom and Innovation” to advocate Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s concept, “being touched is the most beautiful world,” and to exhibit Humanistic Buddhism’s truth, kindness, and beauty through the camera lens.

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    Study Group - Diamond Sutra (in Chinese)



    Diamond Sutra



    Type of Study Group:
    A. Diamond Sutra Study
    - Link to study material
    - Every Sunday, in person, from 1:30pm to 3:00pm
    - Conference Room, FGSWA
    - from June 16 onward, weekly.


    B. Buddhist Exam Questionnaire study group
    - Every Tuesday, online, from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
    - via Zoom, ID 890 5087 9597, Passcode: 2024BLIAWA
    - From July 9th onward, weekly.



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    Study Group - Buddha - Dharma Pure and Simple 3 (in English)


    Guided by Venerable You Lu  

    Date : 5 & 19 Aug, 16 & 23 Sept, 7 & 14 Oct (Monday)

    Time : 7:30pm - 9:00pm

    Online : via Zoom, ID 885 8163 8607, Passcode: 2024BLIAWA




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    "T-Earth Tree Planting Day"

    The annual "T-Earth Tree Planting Day" is coming up!


    Tree Planting Location: Noranda Lightning Park, 30 Della Road Noranda

    Event Time: 8:30am-12:00pm

    Date: 10 August 2024 (Saturday)


    Research has found that "tree planting and afforestation" can mitigate the greenhouse effect, purify air pollution, and provide habitats for animals and insects. Therefore, we will be holding Tree Planting Day on Saturday, August 10th. We sincerely invite everyone to mobilise your friends and family, young and old, to participate together in tree planting and afforestation, greening our environment, and protect the earth.



    Warm Reminders:

    1.⁠ ⁠Stay warm and protect yourself from the sun.

    2.⁠ ⁠If it drizzles, the event will proceed as scheduled. Remember to bring raincoats.

    3.⁠ ⁠You may bring your own small gardening trowels and gloves.

    4.⁠ ⁠Refreshments will be provided at the event.

    5.⁠ ⁠BLIAWA members, please wear your BLIA yellow vest.

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    Registration Time: Now to April 07, 2024

    Every Saturday, 3 - 4:15pm

    Location: Meditation room, FGS WA

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    English Study Group


    Every 1st and 3rd Saturday 1:30 - 2:30pm

    Location: Classroom, FGS WA ( in person)


    Humanistic Buddhism represents a return to the principals laid down by the Buddha. Humanistic Buddhism recognizes the Buddha lived in the human world and taught the Dharma in the human world, and that Buddhism should be for human beings.Humanistic Buddhism is Buddhism that is timeless, joyful, altruistic and life affirming.


    Through the comprehensive examination of Buddhism through its history, concepts, development and the Buddha’s life, we purport several principles. Buddhism is the Buddha’s original teachings for the human world. It is Humanistic Buddhism. Thus, we propose Humanistic Buddhism: Holding True to the Original Intents of Buddha.

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    Pray for World Peace

    Event from now to 31 December 2024

    Location: online


    In the present world, where conflicts persist, Buddhism should initiate "praying for world peace." Through committed practice, driven by the compassionate desire to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings, let us collectively pray for an end to wars.

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    2024 BLIA Global Buddhism Exam


    To promote study of Buddhist publications, enrich the substance of life, elevate the level of faith, and nuture right view and understanding.


    1. Organiser

    • Organizer: Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA)
    • Institutes-in-charge: BLIA Victoria
    • Co-organisers: BLIA Sydney, BLIA Queensland, BLIA Western Australia, BLIA North Island, BLIA South Island, YADOceania

    2. Examination Date:

    • October 20, 2024 (Sunday)

    3. Eligibility:

    • Open to BLIA members and the general public, regardless of age, education level, or religious belief.

    4. Examination Categories, Languages & Methods: Refer 2024 Buddhist Exam Page


    5. Participation Methods:

    1. Registration Method: Online registration
    2. Registration Period: From July 1 to October 18
    3. Examination Method: Online "Open-Book" exam. Results will be revealed immediately upon submission.

    6. Rewards:

    1. Award Announcement: To be announced on the official BLIA exam website on November 25.
    2. Award Ceremony

    7. Contact Information:

    Please contact your local BLIA or Fo Guang Shan temple.

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    協辦單位:國際佛光會雪梨協會、西澳協會、昆士蘭協會、北島協會、南島協會、大洋洲佛. 光青年團


    二、會考日期:2024年1 0月2 0日(日)








    1、獲獎公告:將於1 1月25日在佛學會考官網公布。

